Do you like to laugh? Then you and the beautiful Russian women on our site have something in common!
Russian people are known for their sense of humor and know a lot of jokes, which are very popular. The richness of the Russian language with the variety of words and word combinations and different constructions offers a huge opportunity for a great number of wonderful jokes that come from the daily life of Russian women and men.
Among them are short stories (anecdotes, yokes, jokes as they are called in Russian) with a punch line. You will be surprised by the endless variety of creative stories that Russian women can come up with!
There is a type of traditional Russian poetry called chastushka. These are sung or spoken very fast and are humorous, satirical, ironic and put to music with balalaika or accordion accompaniment.
If you fall in love with one of our Russian women then you may experience many of these jokes at your wedding reception. Russian people love to celebrate and laugh a lot so their wedding receptions are so much fun to attend.
If you are thinking about meeting a beautiful Russian woman then don’t hesitate! Browse our Russian women profiles today.
Doctor: This medicine is from insomnia, this one is from nervous break-down, and also take this one from depression.
Patient: Thank you very much, doctor, but do you have any other medicine besides vodka?