Why do Russian brides make such wonderful wives?

June 19th, 2009
Written by Alain

There’s a reason so many men all over the world are looking for Russian brides… in fact, there are many reasons, but their world-renowned reputation as wives and homemakers is certainly at the top of the list.

Russian women come from a culture that respects and reveres everything women do. Girls grow up learning how to be – and themselves yearning to be – a loving and valuable life partner. While every woman’s personality is unique, the common background and culture they share tends to instil the same deep-seated values: pride in their household, down-to-earth traditional values, and the constant drive towards self-improvement and education.

Russian brides are very family-oriented, and take huge pleasure in making and keeping a tidy, efficient, cosy home. For hundreds of years, Russian women have been known the world over for being able to handle any situation with calm, efficient confidence, be able to cook up a feast, and look absolutely beautiful while doing it all.

Ah, the famous beauty… Russian women are not conceited or overly concerned with appearance, but they’ve got common sense enough to know what men like: they like their women looking beautiful for them.

The grace and elegance of Russian women is world-famous, and for good reason: they know that men fall in love through their eyes, and if they can keep their man’s eyes happy, he’ll do his best to make his Russian bride happy, too!

However, just because Russian women believe in old-fashioned values, that doesn’t mean they’re old-fashioned! Russian women love to read, to learn, and to better themselves and their relationships by always doing something new. Reading books, improving their professional qualifications, learning a new language, or trying new recipes in the kitchen, your Russian bride will never be boring… after all, variety is the spice of life!

Start meeting Russian brides today!

6 Comments regarding “Why do Russian brides make such wonderful wives?”
  1. William says:

    If your goal is to meet a woman you can cherish, with whom you can spend the rest of your life in happiness, then a Russian lady may be the right choice for you. In return she will honor you for who you are — a loving and devoted husband. It is the way married life was intended. And it is a worthy goal to strive for and reach. It is a law of nature that you will likely achieve what you think about and what you set your mind to, so it is important that you define your goals properly.

    The Russian women you will meet will be educated, cultured women of good character coming from strong families. They are very feminine and take pride in being well dressed.

    As a group, they are the most beautiful women in the world. Go. See for yourself. Don’t take my word for it.

    They enjoy being fair ladies and pretty wives

    What they are looking for is a man with whom they can form a family. They want most of all to find a compatible mate and share a strong family life together. For a lot of reasons they have not been able to find that in their own country.

    If it requires them to move to another country, learn another language; leave their family and friends behind, so be it, if they find that ideal mate. To take that kind of chance takes a very courageous person with a lot of initiative.

    For a Russian woman, the difference between being single and married is like night and day. In Russian culture, the status of single women is rather low.

    A Russian woman is not considered someone respectable unless she is married. Her degree of respectability is measured by the social status of her husband. Right or wrong, that is the situation. More importantly, this is the context that Russian women operate from.

    So for a Russian woman, getting and staying married is important as a goal in itself.

    The main reason why a man should seek a Russian wife is because of her level of commitment to marriage. The one thing that differentiates Russian women from Western women most is perhaps their overwhelming desire to get and stay married. John has been married to a Russian women for over five years. He has travelled the path from finding her, to traveling to Russia, to bring his wife to America, and adjusting to married life. He will show you step by step how to do this yourself.

  2. Phil Bachmann says:

    Australia is a paradox. On the one hand it has plenty of everything – lots of space, pleasant weather, plenty of precious metals still to be dug up, and no ancient enemies. So the people here should be happy, right? No, not right. Australian men are more likely than just about any group of people on earth to want to kill themselves. It’s not because of the kangaroos, it because of the women. Australian women.

    What are Australian women doing that drives the men here to such depths of despair? There may be a hundred reasons, but I’ll provide you with maybe the top ten.

    Each entry suggests a typical attitude of Australian women, and the subsequent text contrasts this attitude with some better behavior.

    Note that older Australian women (50+) have told me that the following comments do not pertain to them – just to their daughters – whom they hardly understand.

    Aussie women: “I have certain expectations”
    Better: “I am happy to lower my expectations as required”

    An excellent runner might be disappointed to only come second in a running race. An average runner might be delighted to come third.

    An important part of being a good wife is constantly managing your expectations so that they are below what your husband is likely to deliver. Then you can be happy that your husband is always “Above expectations.”

    “Family and friends are everything to me”
    Better: “My husband is number one”

    It seems to me that, other than to herself, an Australian woman’s loyalty is ordered as follows:

    * Her children (if she has any)
    * Her parents
    * Her friends
    * Her husband

    A good wife would keep her husband to the top of the list, knowing that loyal support of a good man will confirm his loyalty to her (as well as being a reward in itself).

    (Of course people down the order shouldn’t always have their wishes overridden by those higher up.)

    “The relationship between a husband and wife should be equal”
    Better: “The relationship between a husband and wife should be balanced”

    Equality means “the same”, and no two people are the same. No-one would think it was right to treat a dog and a donkey equally.

    Balance means ensuring that individuals are given privileges in accordance with their responsibilities, abilities and past contributions.

    “It’s not polite to make fun”
    Better: “Gentle ridicule clears the air”

    Once there was an Australian man who brought a Russian woman to Australia to see whether she’d like to be his wife. She had high expectations of Western opulence and was shocked to find that the house in which he lived had bugs crawling around the cupboards. She was also amazed to discover that when she opened a bottle of after-shave from his bathroom that the smell was worse than Russian after-shave.

    Afterwards she told him, “You know your after-shave is terrible! It doesn’t attract women, only bugs!”

    The Russian expressed her disappointment in a way that made her feel better, and made him smile too. Her statement enhanced their relationship.

    An Australian woman in the same situation probably wouldn’t have said anything (maybe just looked disdainful), and the disappointment would have stayed with her only to fester in her mind.

    “There are some things no woman should put up with”
    Better: “Take the bad with the good”

    No woman likes to be smacked, yelled at, cheated on, or neglected. How many women want to be married to a man who doesn’t make much money or drinks too much?

    But a marriage of any length is going to involve both parties getting some of what they don’t want, so what to do?

    Australian women seem to have found two answers:

    * Marry a man you find yourself attracted to and hope for the best. If at any stage you get something you don’t like: tell the world, divorce the man and sue him for child support.
    * Marry a perfect man and remind him every now and then that he will lose his wife, his house and his kids if he ever makes a mistake.

    I saw a movie where a boy was growing up in Ireland in the early 1900’s had a father who was always drunk and out of work. But the boy found great value in his father’s unique and charming insights into how the world worked. The boy felt he owed some of his later creative output to his father.

    Any person who believes that their spouse is worthless as a parent is kidding themselves.

    A good wife will:

    * Remember the good times in her marriage before complaining about the bad times.
    * Remember her husband’s strengths not just stare at his weaknesses.
    * Celebrate his masculinity, not criticize his lack of feminine virtues.
    * Ask herself, “Is this weakness so important? Can I shrug it off?”
    * Ask herself whether there is anything nice she can do for her husband that could alter his behavior.
    * Be more concerned with improving herself than with improving him.

    A good wife would only threaten to walk out as a last resort – knowing that a man with a lot to give will stop contributing to something that is likely to disintegrate.

    “I like to watch”
    Better: “I like to think”

    When Australian woman are asked about their interests they often respond with, “I like to go out to the movies or I like to stay home in front of the TV.” Never do they say, “I like to think.”

    There are several reasons why “thinkers” make better wives than “watchers”:

    * TV shows and popular movies are very similar to one another, the jokes and situations don’t change much, only the actors and settings do. Watchers usually end up being as boring as the shows they watch.
    * TV tries to keep you engaged and to buy merchandise, it doesn’t try to show you how to live a good life. That means that the values TV imparts are useless, or worse.
    * If you don’t spend time thinking, how will understand what life must be like for other people?
    * If you don’t spend time thinking, how will you generate the fresh insights that will make you interesting to listen to?

    Better: “Design”

    What if you want to go shopping with your husband and he wants to take you to see a game of football?

    A compromise would be to do half the shopping and then see half the game of football.

    A designed solution would be one that considered the various factors and came up with a solution that provided the best outcome for both parties. Factors might include:

    * What did they like and not like about shopping and sport?
    * How much time did they have? What alternative times were possible?
    * What other activities could substitute?
    * Who else might be interested in going shopping or to the football?
    * Key to getting a designed solution is a willingness to allow some time for discussion before a decision is made.

    “Husbands shouldn’t tell wives what to do”
    Better: “Sometimes we all need guidance”

    A group of Australian women were discussing a certain TV show, which happens to be not worth watching. I said to them, “Now ladies, do your husbands really let you watch that show?”

    They turned to me in amazement, and one of them said, “Why would we consult our husbands on what we watch — do you think that we’re children who need to be supervised?”

    I did not answer that woman, as clearly we were from two different planets.

    The proper way to think about it was explained by the famous golfer, Greg Norman, when he was asked why he appreciated his wife. He said, “My wife is the only person on Earth who is on my side, and yet who isn’t me. I can ask myself for advice, but I usually get the answers I expect. When my wife gives me advice, it is something new and challenging, but still aimed at my best interest. Everyone else gives me advice that serves their own interests.”

    People should use those close to them as helpers in guiding them through life, which includes listening to your loved ones when they tell you what’s good for you to watch.

    I saw an Australian man plead with his wife to arrange things so that he and she and their little girl could all have dinner together as a family in the evenings, rather than separately in front of the TV. Of course she ignored his request.
    Australian women listen carefully to TV’s advice on how they should deal with their husbands, and yet ignore their husband’s advice on what should be done with the TV.

    “I know what I like”
    Better: “I want to learn to appreciate something new”

    A small child looks at a piece of broccoli on his plate at the dinner table and shouts, “I don’t like this!” His mother wishes just once he would say, “Last time I had this – I didn’t like it. But today I will try harder!”

    Probably the reason there are so few children who act in the second way is that they learn how to behave from their parents.

    If you say to an Australian woman, “I can help you learn to appreciate things you never knew existed!”, she will become resentful and tell you that you are being “patronizing”.

    A good wife, by contrast, is always looking for new things to admire.

    “I don’t want to be a good little wife”
    Better: “I want to be a good wife”

    The main reason Australian women make bad wives is because they’re not even trying to be good wives. Instead many see marriage as a prison that stops them from having a successful career and an exciting love life.

    What they fail to appreciate is that everyone has to work within limitations. As a man I have limitations, but you don’t see me losing sleep over the fact that I will never be able to bear a child, or enliven a room full of men just by moving my bottom.

    A much better attitude was shown by Marie Curie, who had as a young woman decided to marry someone smart. Her husband then helped her learn what she needed to in order to become one of the world’s leading scientists.

    Phil Bachmann

    • Alain says:

      Hello Phil, reading you made me think and smile :). Indeed, the younger generation of “western women” generally don’t have their priorities set the right way. Of course education and career are important. Isn’t where we spend the most of our time? …it sure needs to be rewarding and fun. But …one can always find another job. I haven’t date women from all over the world …but I did with Canada and US women and I can honestly say we shared healthy and nice relationships. The only problem: they obviously didn’t last. It seems to me that most women from my part of the world who gets hurt once in a love relationship will generally tag all men as bad …or potentially bad. The then decide to never let it happen again. So the career and the need to be self-sufficient (to never depend on a man again) becomes their prime focus. Separate bank accounts, separate bills, separate this and that: always ready to split quickly …not a good attitude at all to begin with and it sure doesn’t create good foundations as well.

      My wife once told me about a Russian saying which might resume the situation in a certain way: “In Russia, a good man to marry is married before he comes out of his diapers” …and the same saying could almost apply to women in our parts of the world 🙂

      Good luck in finding your partner and hopefully we can help you doing so!

      Alain Lalonde

  3. David says:

    Hi Yuiya,
    I found your site very interesting and informative. I recently met and have been dating a Russian girl from work, who I met at a company conference. I didn’t even know she is Russian, she looks very Italian! Anyway, she’s an incredibly warm, loving, intelligent person, and I love her very much. I guess at first I was a little wary about dating a ‘Russian girl’. Some of the questions addressed on your site were running through my head. However, as time passes, I’ve come to realize that there’s nothing sinister, I accept her at face value and consequentially, we’re now very much in love. People need to realize that not all Russian girls are trying to pull a ‘scam’. There are very genuine, very kind, sweet, caring and loving girls out there. I didn’t use an agency to meet my girlfriend, I wasn’t looking specifically for a Russian girlfriend, it just happened. Now, I wouldn’t change it for the world.

    David (UK)

    • Alain says:

      Hello David, I’ll reply for Yuliya as she is quite busy with her parents who are visiting us from Belarus.

      Thanks for taking the time to share your story. You know that you are very lucky to have met your Russian women in such a way? I, as most of us, have to invest quite a bit of time and money in this process …but one thing I can tell you: it’s the best investment I made in my life!! (and please don’t take this the wrong way …I mean “investment” don’t mean money but means more investing time and believing in it)

      Althought I expected many good aspects of sharing my life with a Russian women …our relationship is greater than I could even imagine. These women know what life is really about and can make any decent man very happy!


      Alain Lalonde

  4. CJ says:

    I found your blog on google and read a few of your other posts. I just added you to my Google News Reader. Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more from you in the future.

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