Beware Russian Bride Scams! Part 1

July 6th, 2009
Written by Yuliya

Hopefully you came to this site fully aware of all the Russian bride scams out there… and that you’re willing to do a bit of research before you commit to meeting women on a Russian dating site, no matter how legitimate it looks. You’ll be better off in the long run, I assure you!

This might seem really obvious, but I’m going to say it anyway… When it comes to Russian Bride sites, don’t believe everything you read.

When it comes to meeting your true love online, that useful piece of advice is Rule Number One!

… Otherwise you may find yourself victim of a Russian Bride scam site, thousands of dollars poorer and suffering from a broken heart.

I’m going to be blunt: there are disreputable websites and agencies out there using the idea of “beautiful Russian Brides” as a way to scam good-hearted people out of their money.

They’re illegal, immoral, and bad for business — and you need to be aware of them for your own good.
We’ll talk about this more tomorrow… so be sure to come back and see how you can protect yourself from these horrible Russian bride scams. Add us to your RSS feed by clicking on the orange button in the upper right corner… that way you’ll never miss a post!

(And to make sure you don’t get taken in by a Russian bride scam, start browsing our 100% guaranteed real Russian women today!)

10 Comments regarding “Beware Russian Bride Scams! Part 1”
  1. Ben Hatterick says:

    I find your tips on staying out of scams very helpful. I have been involved with these would be scammers a few times and after a while and more attempts at me, I can see them comming. I invest here in the USA in realestate for my own benefit for the future and its quite difficult to get me to invest in something which comes with nothing more than a promise. With your tips and advice, it has become easier to see.

  2. Frank Tore Paulsen says:

    I wonder why I can not use normal mail to comunicate with the girls on your site, it is easyer and better i think.
    Please answer me.
    Yuors sincearly Frank Tore from Norway

    • admin says:

      As explained on our site, the women are registered with their local marriage agency. The agency owner / staff validate the identity of each woman with passport and interviews her to ensure she’s sincere and seeking a foreign husband. This is a great advantage to men who seek a Russian partner as unlike “free dating sites”, they know they’re not writing to a scammer. It may be some more expensive than working with a “free dating site” but the results are generally much better and isn’t it what matters in the end?

  3. ed says:

    how can itell if it a scam or if it real online dating with russian women plesae give me detial so i know what to ask and look fro so i do not get rip off and scamed i need to know because i met one no line and it scary i donot want to be scamed and lose my hard earn money any way so can you infro me

    • admin says:

      The first thing is to find a website which you can trust. If you can identify the owners and have a good feeling the their operation is reliable, it’s a good start. Then contact them, speac to them, question them and go with your judgement.

  4. Melvin Donahue says:

    Just had a go around with a russian woman who wanted me to send her money to come to the states. After I told I did not have the money I know longer heard from her

    • admin says:

      Well, now you know what she was after. Don’t give up, there are very good women out there seeking a husband for the good reasons. My wife was one of them and we found each other. You first need to find an honest and reliable website to work with. You will then be in a good position to find your life partner.

  5. BowbealeSeeda says:

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