Beautiful Russian women and their culture: Religion

June 24th, 2009
Written by Yuliya

One of the beautiful things about Russian women is that they respect all religions. Religion is rarely a factor in their choice of a husband. (Which is great news for you, don’t you think?)

That said, religion does play a prominent role in the public and spiritual life in Russia today. The majority of religions practised in Russia are Christian, but people are tolerant of any kind of religion.

The main church attended by most of the beautiful Russian women you see on this site is the Russian Orthodox Church. The Church is a powerful symbol of Russian history and culture and is widely respected by devout Christians and non-believers alike.

Russian believe that the Russian Orthodox Church was founded by the apostle Andrew. According to legend, Andrew visited the area where the city of Kiev would one day be built and he predicted that a great Christian city would one day be built there. He reportedly built a cross there, and the place where that cross once stood is now the home of the famous and beautiful St. Andrew’s Church.

There are many beautiful old Russian Orthodox Churches in Russia. If you ever pay a visit to meet some beautiful Russian women in person, then be sure to visit some of the local churches. Their beauty will amaze you. (Just like the beauty of the Russian women you can meet!)

One Comment regarding “Beautiful Russian women and their culture: Religion”
  1. shyamal sarkar says:

    u r gud looking not only from outside but to inside also. your smiling express those words

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